Are you looking for the #MarchMeetTheMaker Instagram Challenge? Yes? Brilliant! Welcome, welcome! In case you didn't already know, I am the creator of the hugely popular photo a day challenge. It even won a Mollie Makes award in 2017, how cool is that?
If you don't already know what #MarchMeetTheMaker is, here is some more information.
What is this #MarchMeetTheMaker thing I keep seeing people talk about?
In short, it's a 31 day Instagram Challenge, set by me (and only me) that happens throughout March every year. But it's not just a challenge, it's a whole creative community that comes together to help show people what they can do, it's about building each other up, making new connections, telling your small business story, growing your confidence and most importantly, it's about putting yourself out there.
How do I get involved?
Easy, all you need is an Instagram account and the will power to post every day of the challenge. For all the latest updates follow me on Instagram, it's the place where all the news hits first @joannehawker. This is where you can find the prompts and planner sheets for the most recent challenge. You'll also find links for help on anything Instagram or challenge related.
Does it cost me anything?
Absolutely nothing! It's completely free. You get a whole month of content completely free.
I've missed the start of the challenge, can I still join in?
Of course you can! Everyone is welcome, no matter what part of the challenge we are. Feel free to do a binge catch up or just jump in where it's easiest for you. It would be lovely to have you join us!